Today I'm going to be talking about social media and what I think of it. I like it because it’s entertainment but other than that I’m not a fan of the way it is. I think the idea is nice and it has its perks but only if you know how to use it correctly. So here's how I keep social media a healthy place for me. First, I learn how to separate reality from the internet and realize that the things I see are most likely not real. Secondly, I realize that my opinions are mine. Everyone doesn't agree with me and everyone doesn't have to. I can keep an opinion even if I see someone disagreeing with me. Maturity and exposure are also a big part. While you can mostly control what you see, you can’t completely. For example, let's just say that an ad for a scary movie comes up and there is disturbing imagery. There’s not much you can do to keep that from popping up. If you know that you are sensitive, being on the interwebs probably isn’t smart for you.