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Art Tips: Charcoal Drawings

Updated: Jul 1, 2022

Charcoal is one of my favorite mediums and to me one of the easiest too. First you want to start with a strong sketch. Always use a reference photo when drawing. If you're drawing in black and white the reference photo should be in black and white also. Then start filling in the shadows. I use crushed up charcoal for this part. You can make it at home with sketching sticks crushed up. It won't be as pigmented but it still does the job. After blocking in the shadows you can start filling in the face details ( eyes, nose, lips, etc). Some quick tips I can give you are 1) draw what's there not what you think should be there 2) if the eyes look black make them black 3) remember shadows (they're EVERYWHERE). 4) keep your pencils sharp so it's easier to get details.

One you've filled in the shadows time for highlights (my favorite part). You can use a highlight pen or an eraser (for some parts). For highlights in the eyes I suggest a highlight pen. You can get one at Dollar Tree for cheap. In places on the face that look pure white erase and blend with an eraser. This can be in places like the nose, lips, and cheeks. And lastly practice!

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